Metatarsalgia is a common, but very painful condition that affects the joints and bones in the ball of the foot. They are composed of 5 bones that connects to the bones or phalanges. These can be caused from over use of high impact sports, arthritis and wearing bad footwear. There are 5 metatarsalgia, if one or more metatarsalgia heads sit lower than any other then it will be taking more weight which will results in inflammation, pain and tearing of ligaments.
Some home remedies like ice application, proper rest and wearing a good pair of shoes can give you relief from this pain because when we wear shoes, we finds it very difficult in this condition to walk and run.
Metatarsalgia and its Symptoms
During walking Mechanism, we first strike ground with the heel and intense pressure is transmitted through legs to heels and ball of the next contact point that gets affected when the pressure is uneven.
The reason why people develop metatarsalgia has alot to do with thickness of tissues or fat-pad in the ball of the foot and also with ankle joint flexibility.
1- Burn: Burning feel on the foot or dull ache. Burns are severe skin damage that causes the affected skin cells to die.
2- Pain: The pain get worse when you run or walk. This is the condition causing inflammation in any of the bones, ligaments and tendons in the foot.
3- Inflammation: May cause inflammatory conditions like bursitis. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed.
4- Pressure: Feels like stepping upon sharp stones when applied pressure on point.
What causes Metatarsalagia?
Metatarsalgia is a painful condition which can affects the joints and bones when there is too much pressure on a particular spot of the foot. When pressure distribution is disturbed between all the metatarsal bones, then condition called Metatarsalgia occurs. These are some factors that can affect Metatarsalgia.
1- Important metatarsal head
2- Tight toe extensor muscle.
3- Weak toe extensor muscle.
4- Being overweight.
5- Torn ligaments in feet.
6- Shoes that doesn’t fit well.
7- Intense Training.
8- Foot Deformities.
9- Stress Fracture.
10- Certain foot shapes.
Things you need to know before buying shoes for Metatarsalgia.
There are few things you should look for before buying shoes for Metatarsalgia, because a perfect pair of footwear not only cure the problems but also help to precure the problems. There are many major and minor factors some important factors your should know before buying best running shoes for Metatarsalgia are as follows:
- Cushion: Talking about treating people who have metatarsalgia, what we really want to do is reduce the pressure in the ball of the foot during walking. and very first thing comes in our mind is cushioning of the shoes. Cushion experience should be soft and protective.
- Energize: The amount of pressure reduction is also dependent on the transferring energy away from ball of the foot. For adding extra lifts to your stride, energized experience should be responsive and springy.
- Weight: The shoes for metatarsal should be lightweight, the less heavy they are the more benefit they will provide to overcome the metatarsal pain and list of shoes mentioned in the article are light weigh best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
- Shape and size: Footwear should fit well, not overly tight and should be comfortable. The material should be well breathable should there should be no wetness in the shoes.
- Brand: Brand factor plays important role in the selection of the high priced shoes. As these shoes which are helpful in curing metatarsal are bit high on price but are also effective in treating the problem, so the brand should be trusted and having a good hand in shoes manufacturing is important. So, brand selection is important before buying best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
Best Running Shoes for Metatarsalgia
In this guide, we’ve researched and showing you the best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
- This is the shoes which is best for the runner, who needs a perfect blend of every single feature to support Metatarsalgia.
- It includes best foot support and comforts the ball of the foot. It provides the right amount of stability and support from its cushion, which is also very flexible. It has very balanced and soft cushioning.
- Brooks provide necessary support and don’t weigh down your feet, one of the best midsole in the market, providing the comfort and extra shock absorbing quality which makes it on the #1 on the list of best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
- It has a very modernized design which satisfies both professional runner and daily users. The main focus of the company is to avoid foot injuries and knee injuries.
- The Guiderails Holistic support system helps you keep moving comfortably by keeping excess movement in check, it has DNA LOFT crash pad cushion with streamed line design and it works with BioMoGo DNA.
- ASICS GEL Venture 5 insures high performance and durability by featuring a plus cushions under foot mechanism and upper unit securing the foot from socks when moving or running on trails.
- These shoes helps to alleviate the pressure on the ball of the foot where the pain originates from metatarsalgia and provide more soothing running performance as compared to ASICS GEL Venture 4, especially when going for outdoor adventures. These shoes have 3 standout features which are breath ability, comfort and durability.
- The high level of breathability in Asics gel venture 5 keeps the air temperature inside the shoes, cool and comfortable.
- It ensures the runner comfort, even on the rough surface, it means these shoes are having good sock absorbing quality due to its including cushions which are very light weight.
- The outer sole of shoe is made up of rubber which makes it exceptionally durable in some critical areas. That’s why it scored # 2 position in Vforged list of best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
- The game changing BONDI Family’s newly launched is the most cushioned shoes, which is HOKA ONE ONE Bondi 6 shoes which puts HOKA on the map as the maximal shoes out there.
- These shoes enhances the smooth, balanced rise delivered by full EVA sole, the comfortable and breathable upper with meta rocketing technology.
- These shoes ensures the consistent ride for all distances. If you are a person who loves high cushion version then HOKA ONE ONE Bondi 6 are the shoes for you which are also best for the people which are on their feet for 8-10 hours.
- These shoes are comfortable and helpful in injuries like metatarsalgia. These shoes keep your feet aligned and providing a balanced walk throughout the day. These are the reason why it scored #3 position on the list of Vforged best running shoes for metatarsalgia.
- Saucony is the most reputed name in running shoes. They offer wide range of running shoes, but among all Saucony Kinvara 5 is the best shoes for metatarsalgia and other foot injuries.
- These shoes will maximize your performance in any activity, it has first sole based stability and cushioning system which provides extra advantage to all kind of athletes.
- Saucony Kinvara 5 shoes gives you good performance, flexibility and nice road feel. There is not a ton of cushioning built into these shoes, but sufficient enough to overcome any kind of bumps and injuries.
- Easily the most versatile shoes and can be used for everything such as daily easy runs, fast interval workouts, long runs and also for racing.
- All these features makes Saucony Kinvara 5 on the #4 spot in the Vforged list of best running shoes for metatarsalgia.
- Altra Torin 3 keeps that same soft, responsive, light weight feel of A bond cushioning with zero drop platform to encourage natural running form and happy toes
- Usually the first thing you notice is the foot shape toe box, This allows toes to spread out and engage naturally for better balance and stability. It also improves posture and encourages proper running form.
- It includes EVA foam which reduces ground impact and the mid sole also offers inner flex technology and most importantly is that inner sole is well cushioned.
- Because of these sole technologies and near perfect cushioning we have put Altra Torin 3 on the #5 spot in the list of Vforged best running shoes for metatarsalgia.
Some other foot problems can also be cured with these shoes.
In this world, we face various foot problems and that can be caused due to various factors such as weather, bad footwear, health issues, etc. We will be discussing some problem related to foot problems and that can easily be solved by using best running shoes for Metatarsalgia.
1. Bunions:
In medical language “HALLUX VALGUS“. It is a medical condition which can cause a bump to develop on the large toe joint.
CAUSES: It can be caused by wearing a tight footwear. Wearing tight shoes/footwear may create pressure on the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP), where the bone of the foot meets or joins the bones of the big toe.
1. Tenderness around the toe.
2. Becomes very difficult to moving the toe.
3. Continues pain while walking or running.
4. Bump on the side of the foot.
2. In Grown Toe Nails
In Grown Toe Nails occurs when toe nails starts growing into the nail grooves.
Causes: This problem is caused due to bad fitting footwear. The pressure from the front and top end of the shoes can put extra pressure on toes.
1. In grown toe nails can cause redness, which shoes infection is present.
2. It also causes swelling and pain.
3. Plantar Fasiitis
Plantar Fasiitis is a condition which occurs when the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed.
Causes: The causes includes being obese, having a very high arch and having tight calf muscles.
1. Pain on the bottom of the heel.
2. Swelling on the heel.
4. Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy is nerve damage, caused by uncontrolled blood sugar, the feets are most commonly affected, the lack of sensation can result in serious problems when injuries goes unnoticed.
Causes: High Blood Sugar levels can damage the nerves, especially in the feet. There are more factors that can worsen the situation are alcohol and smoking.
1. Tingling, Numbness and pain in the feet.
2. Experiencing quick injuries to the feet or cuts on the feet.
5. Blisters
These are fluid-filled pockets, self-healing is the best option for blisters, don’t burst them.
Causes: It is caused after walking or running for long period of time with improper footwear.
1. Raised fluid-filled pockets on the foot.
All these problem can be solved using a right footwear and list of best running shoes for Metatarsalgia we have mentioned will help you to to cure your problem.
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