Know the Top 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Paneer

health benefits of paneer

Paneer is a good source of protein, calcium, and healthy fats in our daily diet. So, the question arises that “Does paneer makes you fit or fat?”. There are many health benefits of Paneer. It is very famous among athletes or people who work-out frequently. It helps in recovering muscle tissues rapidly due to the high protein content in it. There is a saying that “Paneer is like chicken for vegetarians”. So Paneer keeps you definitely fit but consuming too much of it may cause some negative effects on your health.

Paneer Nutrition facts per 100g

7 Health Benefits of Paneer

1. Rich in protein

Paneer is a packed protein source. Do you ever wonder how much protein in paneer exists? When we talk about paneer nutrition facts per 100g, it gives us 18g of protein. Due to high protein content, It helps significantly in muscle recovery if taken before bedtime. Because it contains Casein protein, it is slowly absorbed in the body and helps in muscle recovery overnight.

2. Strengthen Bones And Teeth

Paneer is one of the great sources of calcium. It contains a good amount of phosphorus and protein that not only helps in strengthening our bones but also our teeth. These nutrients are directly linked to overall good health.

3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

Paneer benefits in maintaining blood sugar levels. It also has a little effect on blood sugar in comparison to other dairy products. It has magnesium which controls sudden spikes of blood sugar and, also it doesn’t let blood sugar fall too much.

4. Paneer Benefits in Weight Loss

This protein-rich food keeps your hunger away for very long time. Paneer also has conjugated linoleic acid that enhances the fat burning process in the body. So to get more results, you should eat it raw.

5. High in selenium

There are numerous Paneer benefits. Paneer is an amazing source of Selenium, which is responsible for thyroid working. So by consuming Paneer there are less chances of developing hypothyroidism . It also enhances the protection of antioxidants in the blood.

6. Rich Source Of Folate

Folate is a B-complex vitamin that is used to treat low levels of folic acids. Paneer has a good amount of folic acid in it. Paneer benefits pregnant women to prevent the miscarriage of the baby. It is also useful in the production of red blood cells.

7. Paneer helps to prevent insulin resistance

Recent studies show that paneer benefits in reducing insulin resistance, which results in normal blood sugars. It also helps to reduce cardiovascular diseases. But someone, who is already having some cardiovascular disease, should eat cheese in a moderate amount to get significant results.

After reading various health benefits of paneer, also read Proteins: Best 3 Types of Proteins And Their Functions

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