Is Eating Curd at night good or bad? Curd Side effects


Is Eating Curd At Night Good Or Bad For Health? Curd is one of the best among all the healthy dairy products. It is a great probiotic, rich in proteins, calcium, and other minerals, hence making it good for bones and teeth. It has surprising health benefits when eaten correctly. According to Research the optimal time to consume breakfast is in the morning on an empty stomach. It’s good for the gut, moisturizes the skin, and nourishes hair. It helps in boosting the functioning system of the body, improves digestion, and contributes to weight loss. But you all must have heard from your parents that eating curd at night is not good practice for your health. So, can we eat curd at night?

Here we are going to tell you whether eating curd at night is good or bad and analyze the curd at night myth. Well, there are no benefits of eating curd at night rather there are side effects of curd at night. According to Ayurveda, one must not eat curd during the night, as most people sleep immediately after eating dinner. As a result, if you include curd in your dinner, it doesn’t get digested and may have serious side effects. We have listed below all the major reasons that support, why not eat curd at night-

Also, read- 9 Amazing Benefits of Curd | Dahi Benefitshttps://vforged.com/benefits-of-curd/


 The main side-effect of eating curd at night is an upset stomach. Eating curd at night disturbs the functioning of the digestive system. Especially, people already suffering from digestion problems such as acidity, acid reflux, or indigestion should avoid eating yogurt or curd at night.

As it results in constipation because during the nighttime, the digestive system is sluggish and sleep-ready. However, during the day, curd is a great choice for treating an upset stomach and improving our gut health.


The other disadvantage of eating curd at night is mucus formation. Everyone, especially people prone to severe cough and cold should avoid eating curd or yogurt at night. According to Ayurveda, the intake of curd at nighttime isn’t great as it promotes mucus development. Thus, you should avoid intake of curd during night if you are prone to cough and cold.


People who are suffering from asthma should strictly avoid consuming curd at night. As the formation of mucus after eating curd at night can cause blockage in breathing and worsen the symptoms of asthma.


The intake of curd at night increases the secretion of bile juice in the body, which results in inflammation. Further, causing problems of swelling in the body. Additionally, if you are already having an injury or swelling, eat curd at night will make it even worse.

We hope these side effects of curd at night are satisfying enough to make you believe the fact that eating curd or yogurt at night is not good for the health.

Also, many of us think Yogurt and Curd are synonyms to each other. But, that is not true, learn the difference between yogurt and curd.


There is a slightly thin line difference between Yogurt and curd. That slight difference lies in the preparation part that depicts the two different styles of fermented food.

Preparation Of Curd- Curd prepared by curdling milk with edible acidic substances like juice, vinegar, and even curd itself.

Preparation of Yogurt- Yogurt, on the other hand, is formed by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacterium that is accustom to ferment milk is known as yogurt culture. This bacterium ferments lactose in milk, which leads to the assembly of carboxylic acid, which provides the yogurt a tangy and acidic taste. Yogurt is essentially an industrial version of the curd.

Curd VS Yogurt

Curd contains Lactobacillus bacterium that is carboxylic acid bacteria while yogurt contains live strains of both “Lactobacillus Bulgaris bacterium” and “Streptococcus Thermophilus”. Curd neutralizes the warmth produced by certain foods and spices. thanks to its cooling nature, it prevents the formation of pimples and bumps. Our systema alimentarium absorbs the nutrients like calcium, iron, potassium, and pyridoxamine present in curd efficiently.

 Consumption of curd is advised for people with digestive issues. Homemade Curd, especially the one which is prepared with full cream milk, might not be as beneficial for weight loss as compared to yogurt. In some houses, malai or full cream milk is added to curd for added flavor.

 However, this cannot imply that eating curd will contribute to weight gain. It is not the most effective food for those that are aiming for quick weight loss. The only difference within the health benefits of both is that Greek yogurt contains double the amount of protein as curd. Therefore, those who are into weight loss are more inclined towards plain Greek yogurt to meet their daily protein needs.

If you are lactose intolerant and are also strictly into weight loss, then you’ll choose unflavoured Greek yogurt over curd. So, within the battle of Curd VS Yogurt, both are the winners.

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