THE ULTIMATE GUIDE ON How to grow hair faster – 3 DIY MASKS + BONUS TIP

how to grow hair faster

Longing for luscious locks or a thicker mane? The waiting game for hair growth can truly test your patience! But before you doubt the science guys, let me tell you this! Hair is indeed the fastest-growing tissue in our body. It grows an average of 0.5 inches per month (which is roughly 15 cm in a year), according to American Academy of Dermatology. But in reality, this can feel as slow as a snail’s crawl. Let’s admit it, not all of us have the patience for the long game! Well then, let’s not make you wait any longer & spill all the secrets on how to grow hair faster using just home ingredients! This is the only guide you’ll ever need!

How to grow hair faster through a routine

If you want to see healthy, lustrous hair, you have to give it some time and commit to a healthy routine. The routine will form the base which will ensure you get results from our hair growth tips laid out later in this article.

  1. Cleansing – Any expert you ask for hair growth tips, they will tell you scalp health is one of the most important parts of the routine. Depending upon how oily your scalp gets, using a mild, sulfate-free shampoo 2-3 times a week is the way to go. You can find many popular clarifying shampoos these days that are sulfate-free.
  2. Conditioning – The next most essential hair growth tips is to do proper ‘conditioning’ after hair wash. This will detangle the hair, seal the cuticles to provide moisture. The best conditioners are designed to replenish the hydration that may be ripped off by your shampoo. Remember to use gentle hand movements and avoid using it on the scalp. 
  3. Detangling – Detangling is essential to eliminate knots & minimize breakage while brushing your hair. Nothing beats a good leave-in conditioner to detangle. But make sure to not go too harsh and use a wide-tooth comb while detangling. You may also go for a serum.
  4. Oiling – Oiling 2-3 times a week is one of the best hair growth tips you can follow but you can also do it once over the weekend. Make sure to gently massage the scalp and try to do a hot oil session at least once a week. If you’re facing a lot of hairfall and wondering how to regrow hair, infusing essential oils like rosemary oil, tea tree oil, etc. in a carrier oil (coconut/almond/olive oil) is an excellent practice. It has shown to greatly boost hair growth while maintaining scalp health.
  5. Mask – Sometimes, your hair needs an extra dollop of moisture while fighting the pollution, diet imbalance, and chemical products everyday. A hair mask session once or twice in 14 days should be incorporated in the routine. You can choose DIY masks that add moisture to the hair or opt for a salon spa too.
  6. Get regular trims – If you’re wondering how to grow thicker hair, getting regular trimming done is an absolute must! Trimming the ends not only remove dead or split ends but also induce hair growth processes within the hair follicles, some scientists believe. Following this will immensely improve your hair quality over time.

Natural Hair Growth Tips 

In this information era, there is a lot of confusing advice when it comes to hair growth tips. Cutting through the noise, here are the 10 ultimate natural hair growth tips that you can follow:

  1. Don’t compromise on diet – Remember, what you eat matters a lot when it comes to hair growth! No amount of chemicals can substitute a good balanced diet and enough hydration.
  2. Scalp Massage – If you’re wondering how to grow thicker hair in the fastest way, this is the best way. Massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation, which plays a major role in promoting hair growth. You can use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp in circular motions for 5-10 minutes daily. Alternatively, you can use a scalp massager or a wide-tooth comb to do this but make sure you go gentle on the scalp.
  3. Stop using heat and bleach products – Yes, you’ll see many hair experts swear by heat-protectants before heat-styling your hair. But to be honest, heat does enough damage to your hair to decrease its growth rate, even when you’re using a protectant. So, if you want to know our advice on how to regrow hair in a 6-8 months timeframe, it’s best to completely stop using heat and bleach on your hair!
  4. Choose DIY over chemicals – Your hair will thank you! You can definitely use chemical masks when you’re running short on time and cannot make a DIY mask. But, try to infuse homemade hair masks more often. You can explore the DIY masks we’ve explored below to incorporate in your routine. 
  5. Protect from physical damage – Whenever you’re going out, try to use a scarf to protect your hair from the Sun and pollution. These are very underrated natural hair growth tips that go a long way in your hair growth journey. Also, while sleeping, use satin pillowcases as these reduce friction and hair breakage.
  6. Tie loosely – One of the most underrated hair growth tips is to avoid tight ponytails. Tugging your hair or pulling the strands for a long time creates pressure on your follicles and scalp that can drastically reduce hair growth over time.
  7. Read product labels before buying – You have to learn to read product labels if you wanna know how to grow thicker hair. Look out for harsh ingredients in shampoos and conditioners that include sulfates, parabens, etc. Instead, go for products that are gentle, sulfate-free, and formulated for your hair type. You can also consult a hair expert to find out your hair type and learn which kinds of product suits you best.
  8. Manage Stress – Chronic stress can contribute to hair loss. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing that will promote overall wellness, and improve hair health.
  9. Avoid Smoking – Smoking can negatively impact circulation, which can affect hair growth. 
  10. Be patient – The biggest tip of all is this. If you have started with a hair routine and not seeing results, chances are more that you haven’t given enough time. Contrary to skincare routines, it takes a lot more time to see results with hair routines. If you are facing this, try sticking to the same products for at least 6-8 weeks before deciding they are not working. Also, remember that genetics play a role in hair growth, so some factors might be beyond your control. If you’re experiencing significant hair loss or growth issues, it’s wiser to consult a good dermatologist for personalized treatments.

How to grow thicker hair using homemade DIY masks 

If you’re struggling with slow hair growth and nothing seems to work, the only thing you might have missed in your routine is a good DIY mask. Hair needs extra moisture in between wash days which can be ensured through only two things – a good diet & hair mask. Although there are a ton of branded masks available today, if you wanna know the secret on how to regrow hair, these 3 DIY hair masks will be your best friend!

  1. Banana and Avocado Mask –

A banana and avocado hair mask can be a wonderful deep conditioning treatment using natural ingredients when used every 14 days. Both ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and natural oils that replenish your hair. Here’s how you can make and use a banana and avocado hair mask:

Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, 1 ripe avocado.

How to Make: Mash the banana and avocado together until you get a smooth paste.

Application: Apply the mixture to damp hair, ensuring even coverage from roots to tips. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with water and you can also shampoo your hair if needed.

  1. Egg and Olive Oil Mask –

This is a popular at-home protein treatment without spending a lot on salon keratin treatments. Keep in mind that if your hair is protein-sensitive, you might want to do a patch test first or use this mask less frequently. Ideally, you can do this once every 2 weeks to help with hair growth.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons olive oil.

How to Make: Beat the eggs and mix in the olive oil until well combined.

Application: Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Double cleanse your hair with a gentle but clarifying shampoo thoroughly to rinse off that egg-y smell in your hair. 

Also read Benefits of Protein-rich diet for our body

  1. Castor Oil Mask –

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which has been linked to various benefits for hair and scalp health. A hot oil session with castor oil works wonders if used 1-2 times a week. 

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons castor oil, 1 tablespoon coconut oil (optional), a few drops of essential oil (like lavender or rosemary)

How to Make: In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients. 

Application: Apply the mask to both your hair length and scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. If you want to do a hot castor oil session, you can exclude the essential oil ingredient. Wash with a gentle shampoo and style normally.

Bonus Tip: One of the most popular natural hair growth tips is this ingredient that can make a quick difference – Aloe Vera. If you have natural aloe vera growing in your garden, you can use it to naturally condition your hair on wash days. Just scrape off the aloe and apply it onto your hair when it dries after the shower. Continue this for a few weeks to get soft, silky strands that will make you fall in love with your hair. Aloe vera is also excellent for managing frizzy hair.


We hope this guide on how to grow hair faster provides you with results you can boast of! From easy homemade treatments to a proper hair routine and 10 hair growth tips, you’ve got everything you need. Just remember, it takes time and sticking with it to see results. By taking good care of your hair, trying out our natural hair growth tips, and being patient, you’ll see your hair become longer and healthier in no time!

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