7 best ways how to REMOVE Blackheads on Nose at home

how to remove blackheads on nose


Blackheads, also called open comedones, can be really stubborn. Sometimes, no amount of exfoliation, face washes, and scrubs can get rid of them. A dermatologist from Austin, Texas, explained that blackheads happen when tiny pores on your face get blocked by oil, dirt, or dead skin. Sometimes, blackheads can dig deep into your pores, making it extremely difficult to get rid of them. In such cases, only a dermatologist or special products can get rid of blackheads. However, most of the time, home remedies for blackheads work wonders! You can remove them on your own using things from your kitchen. Here is a simple guide on how to remove blackheads on nose naturally, right at home.

Daily routine to safely remove nose blackheads

Cleanse Your Face

Wash your face well, preferably twice a day. Cleansing is an essential step to prevent oil and dirt buildup in your pores. You can choose a cleansing frequency based on your skin type (dry, oily, or sensitive skin). Buildup from makeup, oil, bacteria, and dirt are the major contributors to blackhead formation. If you want to know how to get rid of blackheads using a good cleanser, a salicylate-based cleanser will be your best bet.

Toothpaste Scrub

Mix half a tablespoon of toothpaste with some salt. Gently rub this scrub on your nose, leaving it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, scrub your face gently to eliminate blackheads effectively. Don’t rub too harshly as it can damage the skin barrier & sensitize it more. Alternatively, you can also use a small amount of baking soda in place of toothpaste.

Clay or Charcoal Mask

Regular use of masks, especially clay or charcoal ones have proven to effectively reduce blackheads over time. These pull out dirt and buildup from open pores to detoxify your skin. Adding them to your weekend routine can significantly benefit your skin.

Pore Strips

Although pore strips have gathered a lot of attention lately, they are a debatable topic because some clinicians believe regular use of pore strips for years can enlarge pores. Undoubtedly, pore strips are one the fastest and cheapest way to remove nose blackheads at home. These show immediate results and are a great choice if you have an occasion to attend and not much time to prep your skin. But ensure not to make it a habit as overdoing it may damage the skin barrier.

Physical Exfoliants

Switching harsh chemical treatments for physical exfoliants is definitely recommended when combating blackheads. Cleansing alone might not be sufficient, and exfoliation helps unclog and clean your pores. Chemical exfoliation treatments should always be supervised by a dermatologist. But affordable DIY exfoliants using corn flour, sugar, or coffee will give you instant effects without the harmful effects of chemicals. You can incorporate this routine once every 2-3 weeks and not more than that.

7 DIY Home Remedies for Blackheads Removal

  1. Water and Baking Soda: Create a paste by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water. Gently scrub this mixture onto your blackheads. Rinse with warm water and moisturize afterward. Limit use to 1-3 times a week to avoid skin dryness. Baking soda also balances skin pH.
  2. Milk and Honey Nose Strip: Warm milk and honey together for 10 seconds, then apply to your nose. Put a cotton piece over the area for fifteen minutes. Remove the strip, rinse, and moisturize. Honey and milk have antibacterial properties that naturally remove blackheads and leave your skin clean.
  3. Lemon Juice and Cinnamon: Mix one teaspoon of turmeric, a pinch of cinnamon powder, and a few lemon juice drops. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse. Turmeric fights bacteria, cinnamon tightens pores, and lemon reduces blackheads for a healthy complexion.
  4. Egg Whites: Whisk a single egg white with two teaspoons of lemon juice until smooth. Apply as a mask on your nose, let it dry, and then add a second layer. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This will not only eliminate blackheads but also tighten your pores to prevent new blackheads.
  5. Oatmeal: Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, three tablespoons of yogurt, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice to form a paste. Apply on your nose, let it dry for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This preparation also adds a healthy glow to the skin – similar to a salon facial.
  6. Green Tea: Mix one teaspoon of dry green tea leaves with one teaspoon of water. Massage onto your nose for three minutes, then rinse and moisturize. Green tea’s antioxidants reduce oil production. This is not much harsh on the skin so you can do this 2-4 days a week.
  7. Sugar Scrub: Combine one cup of white sugar with three tablespoons of jojoba oil (or almond/olive oil). Massage onto your skin, then cleanse with a gentle face wash. Use this scrub 2X every week for optimal results.

Tips & Tricks to Remove Blackheads at Home

Pesky blackheads can be an extremely challenging task when nothing seems to work out. But committing to a simple routine can immensely improve your skin’s condition. 

  • A major part of your skin routine should be to use as minimal makeup as possible. All your makeup & skincare products (including sunscreen) should be dermat-approved and/or non-comedogenic. To explain in easy terms, non-comedogenic products are those that don’t cause oil buildup in your pores.
  • You have heard this tip before – “Never sleep with makeup on your skin”. Always wash your face using a gentle cleanser & dry using a clean towel before going to bed. Even a little bit of dirt on the skin can be a breeding ground for acne bacteria.
  • Moisturizing the right way – Moisturizing the right way is as important as choosing the right kind of moisturizer. Most busy individuals forget to moisturize their skin adequately. Remember, if you let your skin dry up for hours and don’t moisturize for days, the oil glands on your skin will compensate for that by producing natural oil. This will clog your pores and form blackheads.
  • Extraction – If you’re tempted to remove or pop a blackhead, it’s better to seek help from a professional. They have clean tools and know the right way to prevent scarring and additional irritation. Trying to squeeze, pop, extract, or remove blackheads at home on your own can lead to redness, irritation, or even lasting scars. 


Nose blackheads are quite usual and can be bothersome. Though they don’t cause harm, they can be frustrating. Remember, patience and consistency are key. Each person’s skin is different, so try things out and see what works best for you. Chemical treatments and salon visits are not always within everyone’s reach but our DIY home remedies for blackheads will surely show results if you stick to a routine. We hope our blog provides some real insights into what mistakes you can avoid and how to remove blackheads on nose at your home.